I love Dashboard. What an ingenious desktop tool. I'm really getting hooked on this system. I don't know why more people has Macs where I live. They would also love Dashboard. So many installable wonderful widgets.
Dashboard is like an extra desktop where you can have widgets like for example a Calculator, Google search and so much more. You can also list new items in your Gmail account. One risk of having access to so many widgets, is that the Dashboard can get very cluttered with different widgets. It would be great to be able to have several virtual Dashboard screens. Maybe there's a widget available to help me with this? Anyhow, get your widgets from Apple right here.
Howto install widgets that come with the system:
Howto install downloadable widgets:
Dashboard is like an extra desktop where you can have widgets like for example a Calculator, Google search and so much more. You can also list new items in your Gmail account. One risk of having access to so many widgets, is that the Dashboard can get very cluttered with different widgets. It would be great to be able to have several virtual Dashboard screens. Maybe there's a widget available to help me with this? Anyhow, get your widgets from Apple right here.
Howto install widgets that come with the system:
- Click the Dashboard icon in the Dock.
- Click on the plus (+) sign in the lower left corner of the screen.
- Click to select among the available widgets.
Howto install downloadable widgets:
- Place the downloaded widgets into the system's Library - Widgets folder.
- You will have to authenticate before it will be accepted into the system's Library - Widgets folder.
- Double-click on the downloaded widgets and Dashboard will add them to the list of available widgets.
- SysStat nano. View your system's status with this clever Dashboard widget.
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