Monday, February 20, 2006

Mediacenter... #2

So there are products out there that do deliver some of the features I thought about, but they don't look good. I dont want a big hulk of a PC machine, I don't want anything with knobs on and I certainly don't want anything that says Microsoft. I want a sleek white small and good looking media hub addon for my mini. There is no need for knobs, except maybe for an on/off button. A good clean remote and a userfriendly interface for interacting with the the addon products.

Now listen up Steve, I want this addon for my mini:

- digital tv compatibility
- hdtv
- misc media connectors, such as scart, rca svideo aso aso...
- connectors to connect my speakers to
- and the possibility to pause programs during shows and movies, reccording them would not be so bad either.
- the possibility to add as many tvs to my household without having to buy additional digital tv decoders.

Please Steve, if you happen to read this, give us something sleek and good looking :)


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